Career and Professional Development Resources

This page is home for information on events sponsored by BMCDB or other career and professional development events of interest, several of which are co-hosted by BMCDB students or committees. Monthly events are highlighted followed by general resource links.

Seminars and Panel Discussions:


MAY 30, 2024  SOMA Summit 2024: Academic Career Paths for PhDs

This year's SOMA Summit "aims to provide graduate students with an interest in academic research and teaching the tools and resources necessary to successfully transition to a future career. The event’s sessions will include career resources on campus, postdoctoral and faculty job searches, different types of faculty jobs (e.g., R1 vs. teaching institutions), and nontraditional academic careers such as administration. Included will be a networking lunch and coffee breaks. We will also facilitate networking and discussion for participants to connect with speakers and each other." You must register to be counted for food, go to the follow for details and link:


BMCDB Showcase 

The BMCDB Showcase on April 12 hosted a panel of alumni now in various industry positions. If you want advice on how to connect with industry scientists and how to do an informational interview to learn more about specific jobs or companies, check out the PDF from our past seminar by Lyndsey D. Ruiz, PhD, Senior Career Advisor for Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Career Services at the ICC. She reviewed the many resources for graduate students offered by the ICC and gave advice on conducting informational interviews.

DEB Friday Seminars (Designated Emphasis in Biotechnology) are open to everyone and are aimed at STEM doctoral students interesting in biotech innovation and careers. The schedule often includes UC Davis alums who will talk about their current positions and career paths. Seminars are every Friday at 11am in 1022 Green Hall (unless otherwise indicated on the schedule). Go to the DEB Friday Seminars page for the full list.

Workshops and Trainings

The Internship and Career Center hosts a number of trainings or resources for topics from writing a resume to interviewing to career exploration, for both academic and non-academic career exploration. For general information, go to where there are many links and an events calendar  Most events are now listed via Handshake so be sure to make an account if you haven't already. While we may highlight a few events here, you can sign up for weekly notifications to see all events via  scroll down to find the one for all events. 

Visit Graduate Studies for multiple professional development resources, including the Gradpathways Institute for Professional Development   They also have a Mentee resource page    and host many workshops (see 

 Career Fairs aren't just for undergraduates! Check out the career fairs offered by UC Davis throughout the year, and their webpage also lists events hosted by others.

Professional Societies often have career and professional development resources including workshops. For example the American Society for Cell Biology has many resources on academic, industry and other careers and hosts a yearly workshop about transitioning into biotech. AAAS and other societies have career pages as well, so be sure to check them out.